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Bank for cover payments

Bank for cover payments

Our SSIs.

Haspa operates worldwide through a correspondent bank network of more than 1,000 banks. It is well experienced in handling of international services for both, customers and correspondent banks, for more than 50 years.

List of Banks with whom we would like to receive cover for third currency payment orders. This list supersedes all previous ones. This list is aimed strictly at streamlining our operations and does in no way reflect a dissatisfaction with the service of any of our correspondents.

Country Curr. Bank   SWIFT address
Australia AUD ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited) Melbourne ANZB AU 3M
Canada CAD Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Toronto CIBC CA TT
China CNY Bank of China, Filiale Frankfurt Frankfurt BKCH DE FF CLR
Czech Rep. CZK Raiffeisen Bank International AG Wien RZBA AT WW
Denmark DKK Danske Bank A/S Copenhagen DABA DK KK
Germany EUR Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt DEUT DE FF
Hongkong HKD Hang Seng Bank Ltd. Hongkong HASE HK HH
Hungary HUF MKB Bank Nyrt Budapest MKKB HU HB
Japan JPY JP Morgan Chase Frankfurt
(Field 58/59
  for JPY  Please pay through  CHASJPJT

as intermediary bank 

New Zealand NZD ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited Wellington ANZB NZ 22 058
Poland PLN Santander Bank Polska SA Poznan WBKP PL PP
Singapore SGD DBS Bank Ltd. Singapore DBSS SG SG
South Africa ZAR ABSA Bank Ltd. Johannesburg ABSA ZA JJ
Sweden SEK Swedbank AB Stockholm SWED SE SS
Switzerland CHF UBS Switzerland AG Zürich UBSWCHZH80A
Thailand THB The Siam Commercial Bank PCL Bangkok SICO TH BK
Turkey TRY Türkiye Is Bankasi AS Istanbul ISBK TR IS
United Kingdom GBP Lloyds Bank plc London LOYD GB 2L
United States of America USD JPMorgan Chase Bank New York CHAS US 33
    Bank of New York Mellon New York IRVT US 3N
    Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. New York PNBP US 3N NYC
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