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As Germany's largest savings bank and one of the leading mortgage lenders in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, Haspa has a large potential of cover pool-eligible receivables that can be used as a favourable source of refinancing within the framework of the German Mortgage Bond Act (PfandBG).

The Mortgage Pfandbrief thus represents an optimal supplement to the traditional refinancing means, such as short-term and savings deposits as well as the issue of unsecured bonds and Schuldscheindarlehen.
Haspa fulfils all the requirements for Pfandbrief issuers stipulated in the Pfandbrief Act and has received permission to operate the mortgage Pfandbrief business from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority  (BaFin). By joining the Association of The German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp), Haspa underlines its intention to act as a reliable issuer on the capital market.

  • Legal Framework
    The main legal framework for Pfandbrief issues is the PfandBG and the ordinances issued on the basis of the PfandBG. The full text of which can be found on the homepage of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (
  • Information on the Cover Pool
    The transparency regulations pursuant to § 28 PfandBG require the quarterly publication of certain key figures on the cover pools. The information as of Q2 2024 is available here. All information from previous periods can be found in our archive.
  • Rating
    The high quality of the cover pool is the basis for the Aaa rating awarded by Moody's for Haspa's mortgage Pfandbriefe. A complete overview of Haspa's ratings can be found here.
  • Confirmation Statement
    The confirmation statement pursuant to § 2 Para. 1 No. 18 b AnIV (suitable credit institution) can be found here.
  • Investor Presentation
    Our investor presentation can be found here.


Legal Documents


Basisprospekt für Pfandbriefe dated 07 June 2024 Download
Supplement dated 23 April 2024 Download
Registration Document dated 23 April 2024 Download
Final Terms of current issues Terms
Archive Archive


If you have any questions regarding our issuance activities, please do not hesitate to contact the following persons.

Mathias Loll

Treasury, Wertpapierprodukte

Telefon: 040 3578 - 93183
Fax: 040 3578 - 93028

Peter Schaar

Treasury, Wertpapierprodukte

Telefon: 040 3578 - 93185
Fax: 040 3578 - 93028


Tilman Pflugbeil

Treasury, Leiter Wertpapierprodukte

Telefon: 040 3578 - 97595
Fax: 040 3578 - 94718

Andreas Rudolph

Treasury, Leiter Handel

Telefon: 040 3578 - 94710
Fax: 040 3578 - 97590

Dr. Jan Zurek

Treasury, Bereichsleiter

Telefon: 040 3578 - 99283
Fax: 040 3578 - 99265


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