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Welcome to Hamburger Sparkasse

"Gut für Hamburg" zeigt das vielfältige gesellschaftliche Engagement der Haspa.

Welcome to Hamburger Sparkasse

Germany's largest savings bank.

Dear visitor,

We are happy to welcome you to the website for our correspondent banks. Here you will find relevant information about our corporate profile and cooperation with correspondent banks worldwide. We will also provide you with our terms & conditions as well as our annual reports. Furthermore you will find documentation regarding compliance and due diligence. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us.

By the way, did you know, that Haspa ...

  • is the largest savings bank in Germany? more
  • is market leader in the metropolitan area of Hamburg in respect of retail banking business and corporate business with SME? more
  • operates worldwide through a correspondent bank network of more than 1,000 banks? more
Compliance (AML and KYC) more
Banks for coverpayments more
Terms and conditions more
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